Questions about the training cost?

Tuition for tMHFA Instructors in a 3-day course is $3,200 for non-National Council members and $3,000 for National Council members. Payment is not due at the time of the application, but is due at least 30 days before your scheduled Instructor Training.

Questions about the training format?

National trainers guide Instructor candidates through the 3 day training with an emphasis on coaching and preparing candidates to deliver the tMHFA course to young people. Each Instructor candidate will take a pre and post test as well as present and teach an assigned portion of the tMHFA course. National Trainers will spend the first part of the training modeling the tMHFA course to Instructor candidates. There will then be dedicated time for independent preparation of presentations and one-on-one coaching. The National Trainer will conduct an individual evaluation of each candidate. Courses typically run from 9 am – 5 pm each day.