The default value for the “How many learners are in your course” field is 30. If you have fewer learners, please update this value to the true number of learners in your course. Courses must have at least one learner. Courses with fewer than five learners do not count toward annual teaching requirements.
If your course doesn’t require anonymized learners, please provide learner records. After saving your course, please select “Add Learners” in the “Course Learners” section below and enter the learner’s information. After you’ve completed the Instructor-led training, please navigate back to the “Course Learners” section and mark them as passed.
The National Council for Mental Wellbeing will not issue a certificate or validate that certificate until the Instructor or Coordinator has marked them as “passed.” Prospective Instructor candidates must have a valid First Aider certificate before they can enroll in an Instructor certification training.